Yup, it happens to adults too. I haven't had my shower yet and have been here on the computer for the last 2 hours. I did get the flyer done for the Shooting Stars Raffle, but that's it. I need to be doing laundry, some reports for PTA, dishes and just general cleaning. I need to go to Target and bay hangers too so I can finish sorting out my closet. Then there is the pile of laundry on my kitchen table. I won't post a pic, but the table is 4 feet long and the pile of clean laundry to be folded and/or hung up is about 3 feet high. I'm assuming it is all still clean laundry but the spraying cat has been in the house recently. I left the dryer open and went back for clean undies the other day - luckily there were only a few left in there since I had to rewash them.
I really want to get rid of the cat, but I feel guilty about that. He's a really sweet cat, but he does not do well inside my house. He sprays people and things and yes, he is fixed. He's great outdoors, but I worry something will happen to him one of these days. My step-daughter brought him home when one of her friends found him in a dumpster as a kitten. I didn't ask for him, but what was I supposed to do? I already had 2 cats I liked...
I guess I should be done whining for now. Maybe I will do some design changes here...