Sunday, May 3, 2009


I've moved my Blog! You can now find me at !

I'm bored and unmotivated

Yup, it happens to adults too. I haven't had my shower yet and have been here on the computer for the last 2 hours. I did get the flyer done for the Shooting Stars Raffle, but that's it. I need to be doing laundry, some reports for PTA, dishes and just general cleaning. I need to go to Target and bay hangers too so I can finish sorting out my closet. Then there is the pile of laundry on my kitchen table. I won't post a pic, but the table is 4 feet long and the pile of clean laundry to be folded and/or hung up is about 3 feet high. I'm assuming it is all still clean laundry but the spraying cat has been in the house recently. I left the dryer open and went back for clean undies the other day - luckily there were only a few left in there since I had to rewash them.

I really want to get rid of the cat, but I feel guilty about that. He's a really sweet cat, but he does not do well inside my house. He sprays people and things and yes, he is fixed. He's great outdoors, but I worry something will happen to him one of these days. My step-daughter brought him home when one of her friends found him in a dumpster as a kitten. I didn't ask for him, but what was I supposed to do? I already had 2 cats I liked...

I guess I should be done whining for now. Maybe I will do some design changes here...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

As Rachel Said...

it's Wednesday. UGH - is it over yet? Can I go to sleep yet? Skye is sharing her mac & cheese with me and I have a book I am finishing so will probably curl back up with it and the dog soon. Other than that, it's just been a tedious week. What can I say? Being a Grown Up is highly overrated.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm a Happy Mom!

Just got the results for the State Match that was held Easter weekend and Skye placed first in her division! Happy Mommy Dance! Don't ask how many were in her division, but safe to say she retained her title for the 2nd year in a row!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Today's post is dedicated to JamieLovesSocks!

A Hole in My Sock

Here I sit with a hole in my sock
That I sure didn’t see there before;
Where did it come from I have to wonder…
Perhaps it was from my drawer!
Ah yes, a sock eating whatcha-macall-it must be living there,
Something that I just can’t see.
But then why does it only eat some of the socks
And lets all the other socks be?
Oh I know! It’s the washer! Yeah that must be it,
Those things sure can be pretty mean.
It gobbles up little pieces of socks you know;
When it’s supposed to be making them clean.
Maybe I’ll invent some sort of solution to stop it,
You could add it in with the detergent.
I’d better get right on that, I’m running low on socks—
And that makes the matter quite urgent.
Oh, wait! That old dryer is most likely the culprit,
It eats socks whole but I can never catch it.
When it comes time to get the laundry out of the dryer;
There’s always a lone sock and I can’t match it.
Maybe this time it had eaten so many socks
That by the time it hit this one it was full.
Or perhaps it wasn’t expecting this synthetic blend
And it was holding out for 100% wool!
Then there are the kids who see really tiny holes
And seem to have nothing else to do.
So they play with the hole until, lo and behold,
It is now the size of the shoe.
Then there are those holes that just all of a sudden appear
As if God said, ‘let it be’ and just like that it was there.
None of the usual wear down or the dreaded wear and tear
A whole in the sock created by none other than the air!
Where do those holes come from? We may never know
I’ve seen the holes come, yet not seen them go.
But for now I’ll keep buying my socks by the sack,
Because one thing is certain… The holes will keep coming back!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's still Thursday...

WHY? Don't want to cook dinner, do laundry or anything productive. New Grey's Anatomy is on tonight so I have that to look forward to at least. TV dinner or pizza delivery? hmmm - hard choice there - thinking Dominos may win though.

And to make this an absolutely wonderful day - I got a jury summons. Anyone want to go to Dallas County Court for me? Please?

It's Thursday

So what? It's not Wednesday which I keep thinking and it's sure not Friday which I WISH it was! Check out the link to Retail Anarchy and you can see a blog I get crdit for - LOL!

More thoughts later but have a stress-free non-threatening day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happier Blog Today

Happier topic today - there are only 6 more weeks of school this year. That means only 6 more weeks of PTA - HOORAY!! I'm a glutton for punishment so I will be President again next year, but I have projects I want to finish before we go to high school. The staff needs an ice/water machine so they don't have to dip out of ice chests and share whatever funk someone has that day. Gotta raise another $2500 so we can buy a good one and not some piece of crap.

In other news, Skye's air gun may be fixed and we may not need to return it and spend even more $. Another hooray!

AND the IRS is so far behind on processing paperwork that they are just now assigning reviewers for Charitable Organization applications that were submitted in August 2008. That means my app submitted in March 2009 won't be reviewed until next year. Our tax $ at work!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Some People Just Suck

I recently found out one of DD's friends has been molested by a family member for the last year. Her mom is upset and wonders what signs she missed, but she always asked her daughter if anything was wrong and was available to talk. My first opinion is the man needs to be taken out of the gene pool. My second thought is why didn't the daughter say something to someone? If she couldn't say anything to her own mom, why didn't she say something to me or one of the counselors at school? There is ALWAYS someone who is willing to listen and provide help and you sometimes find them in the strangest places. Even online! Just because I am not in your backyard (or even your country in some cases), doesn't mean I won't listen and offer help/advice/hugs depending on what you need. Am I going to go email your parents/spouse? NOPE - everyone needs an ear and I know I have several for those days when I can't deal with things.

DD's friend starts counseling today and luckily isn't pg. Waiting on the lab work to make sure she didn't catch anything. He is in jail and hopefully he will be there for a VERY long time.

Monday, April 20, 2009

It's Monday

and you haven't heard anything wonderful from me in a few days. Had to go to the PTA Life Membership banquet Friday night at the country club. The cheesecake was good but the rest of the food was eehhh. The sangria and tortilla chips afterwards were much better!

Feeling bad for Missy since Ned is no longer with her.

On a positive note though, Skye and Mike broke up - hooray! No more 16 y/o, 3 hour away, virtual boyfriend! Hopefully no more bf's for a while. She's not heartbroken and is a current believer in the Kleenex Theory.

My "L" key sticks and I don't always proof my posts, so deal with it - LOL!

Hope everyone has survived yet another Monday!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I don't like my dog right now. I'm tired of being Snuffley. I worry about some of my young friends but I am too far away to do more than listen if they need an ear. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. And I am done whining for the night.

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Monday

my throat is itchy and I don't know if it is allergies or I am getting sick and I embarrassed myself at the grocery store. You know the metal warming cases they have at the front of the store for when they have fresh baked bread? I couldn't figure out how to open it and get my bread out. Someone had to open it FOR me. That's just sad...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Will someone please match my socks?

It's Sunday

and I have the allergy snuffles. I'm also bummed because I can't leave comments on Rachajello's blog and I would really like to offer her some online hugs. I can't decide if I'm sneezing because something blew in on the nice wind and cold front we have now or if it was from dusting the walls. Yes, walls get dusty. Or maybe it's from all of the hair I brushed off my poor dog - she let me brush her for about 15 minutes with the furrminator and we got lots of fur off. She's a black German shepherd so this means I need to vacuum again since there are lots of black dust bunnies again. Off to be productive (maybe)! Have a great day everyone!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Why does it feel like Monday?

Someone is making my Friday feel like Monday! When the car tries to overheat and is making odd enough noises the girls comment on them, you have to take it to the shop. They finally looked at it and told me there was nothing wrong with it AND charged me $60. Worked for 4 hours and then had to go to the doctor to get refills on my asthma meds. Now I'm off to color Skye's hair!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why did I think that was a good idea?

We are doing The Biggest Loser at work and the winner gets $500. 2nd place gets $250. I'm not going to win which is fine, but the "skinny people" have decided we all need to work out as a group once or twice a week. That's fine - I can do this even though I am a slug. Until they decide for our first group workout that our cardio circuit includes jogging UP the hill that is at a 60 degree incline and not once but FIVE times plus the exercises at the top and bottom of the hill. I'm a sport - I tried and didn't finish the 2nd circuit. The skinny people only made it 3 times so I don't feel too horrible but the asthma attack I had made me wonder WHY DID I THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA??

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Started a Blog!

I had to break down and start a blog just so I have somewhere to post my random thoughts and contest links. Skye's World is an interesting place to be - tonight's event includes three teens sleeping over on Spring Break. They have asked for my laptop when I go to bed and they have a phone. Hopefully they will be quiet and not wake up FRC since he is sleeping like the dead.